There are a lot of things in Kingdom Guard that you can spend your hard earned money on. Lets discuss what I think are some of the best purchases a player can make. If you're looking to play this game a bit more seriously and want some really nice upgrades this is the place to start. I'll order these from number 1 down starting with the most impactful purchases.
#1: The 4th and 5th hero queues (marches)
Permanent queue unlock costs $50 and comes with a few other perks while the 1 month and 3 month queue cost $10 and $20 respectively and grant some extra daily rewards. These upgrades will open so many doors for you it's hard to name them all. a quick and not at all comprehensive list looks like this. Two extra queues nets you:
- 66% more mithril from the mines
- Large increase of offline gold gathering from dragons nest. the percentage depends on the gathering ability of the queue itself but it will be substantial no matter what.
- Roughly 40% increase in hero power which will affect all other percentage buffs like the dragon and summon.
- Significantly more Points in ESI Events
- More time effective jennifer quests and rallies
- Many daily rewards that come along with the purchases.
- And much more
Look, I know these upgrades are a bit pricey... I'm in university right now and I may have skipped dinner a few times to justify getting these ones. I can assure you they are the most useful purchases you will make
#2: The Growth Fund
Cost: $20
Ah yes... Diamonds. It doesn't matter which game it is, diamonds are a very important resource, and Kingdom Guard is no different.
Diamonds can buy you almost all of the important resources and items that you will need while playing Kingdom Guard.
Some things are of course more cost efficient than others to buy with diamonds but I'll go over that in the future on other pages.
Once you fully unlock the growth fund you will gain in total 2,007,500 gems.
Thats a "Holy Moly" amount of gems for just $20 and as far as cost efficient purchases go, the numbers speak for themselves. Theres just no other way to buy that many gems directly without spending like thousands of dollars.
There are plenty of good and bad ways to spend the gems you have. A few notable ones would be to re-roll for SSR heros in the bounty hall or buy enough tech pieces to expediate filling out your hero queues with 3 heros each.
Currently I'm investing quite a few of mine into tumnus in the auction house. If you're reading this... don't bid against me on the tumnus auction please and thank you :))))))
I don't care how long it takes... I will get 4 star tumnus.
#3: The Vault Upgrades
First $4.99 - 50% increase,
Second $9.99 - 100%,
Third $19.99 - 200%,
Forth $49.99 - 300%
Boat loads of gold as well as resources like stones, wood, and steel for castle upgrades. The vault is a very important part of Kingdom Guard.
These upgrades are pretty self explanitory and I think the value in them is pretty obvious. You will upgrade your castle faster and faster depending on which upgrades you get.
In the early game it will also help you a lot with hitting the 50m/day mark for your daily recruitments.
As your castle level increases upgrades become less and less frequent so having this is very nice for increasing your castle level quicker.
Honorable mention: Event Passes
I haven't played but for a little over a month at this point so I've only seen a couple special events and some more reoccurring ones.
Event passes are usually $20 and almost always have an extremely high cost/reward ratio. So if you're looking to spend some money for event rewards, always look at the event pass before anything else!
A quick example would be the Spring Fesitival pass. It gave over 1600 knots in the event as well as some other rewards. That's almost a $200 value in the knots alone! Very worth.
As time goes on I'll add to this page Event Passes which will be a list of event passes and their cost effectiveness. Check it out and see what I've already added if you'd like.
More coming Soon...
I'll add more as I stumble accross more purchases of this caliber. If you can think of any I can add, let me know as always! :)